Thursday, November 22, 2007

Mastering Fire and Water

Fire and Water

In this lesson you are going to align the two basic elements that appear as opposites: fire and water. The interaction of fire and water is at the root of creation eternal of things that become manifest and conscious.


The workplace around yourself

Before you are going ahead to align fire and water it will be good to expand your outer realm so that it includes utensils that connect with both elements, fire and water. Before that you are going to work with the water element by itself.

As in the previous lesson, you have a circle around yourself. The table is outside your circle. Lay out a triangle on the table. You may surround this triangle by a circle.

Put a cup with water inside the triangle. You may put the cup on an elemental design that represents water: the pentagon. As soon as you begin with your operation this set up is going to connect with the realms of the water element.

To boost this process you visualize yourself drawing energy from the water element and to push it into the triangle. Imagine this energy being blue. Proceed to do so until you feel good about what you have achieved.


The workspace within

Your next step is to establish an inner realm that connects with the water element. Again you imagine being in a space of your choosing. In front of yourself you see a blue pentagon that is formed with water. This pentagon is your gate into the realms of the water element. Imagine this pentagon opening up and you going through it to explore the realms of the water element. As you are looking around yourself within this realm you will notice changes in your surroundings that correspond to the water element. Move yourself through this realm and explore whatever you see there. Open up your awareness to whatever will come to you, be it visions, sound impressions, feelings, and thoughts. At a later time you may recall your experiences in the water element and write them down for your record. If you see spirits of the water element, interact with them. They may give you valuable information concerning your work with the water element.

The purpose of this experience, of course, is that you become familiar with the energies that are in the realm of the water element and to understand the overall importance of this realm. With practice you can have this realm present for your magical work whenever you desire so.

Leave the realm of the water element whenever you feel an urge to do so. While you are in this inner realm be aware that this realm connects with your outer realm and with the cosmic realm of the water element.


Being One with your Will and with Your Emotions

After you have mastered both realms, the realm of the fire element and the realm of the water element, you can proceed to practice the second step toward consciousness of Oneness.
For this practice, imagine yourself in the center of a circle, or sphere, that surrounds you. In front of yourself you see a flaming red triangle. You notice that this triangle is an ever present gate to the fire element. In it you see many forms of fire, perhaps also fire spirits and any other things that connect with the fire element.

Now you mentally repeat to yourself six times:
I am all will.

You may imagine the words written in front of you in flaming letters. You may feel the heat of the written words. You may imagine hearing the sounds of fire. The more sensory imagination you include the better the results will be. Each time you say "I am all will" you focus on your inner realm of fire. Next you say once:

I am One.
Repeat this sequence at least three times.

Next you see a blue watery pentagon to your left side. You know that this pentagon is your ever present gate to the realm of the water element. In it you notice water in many of its appearances, one within the other like three dimensional transparencies. You may also notice Undines, or spirits of the water element. This time you will not pay them any particular attention.

Next you repeat mentally to yourself six times:
I am all emotions

You may imagine these words written in front of you in blue watery letters. You may feel the coolness and humidity of water. You may imagine hearing the many sounds of water. The more sensory imagination you include the better the results will be. Each time you say "I am all emotions" you focus on your inner realm of water. Next say once:

I am One.
Repeat this sequence at least three times. You may interrupt here or you may proceed as follows:
Repeat six times:
Will and emotions are aligned and One
Repeat one time:
I am One

Again you repeat this sequence at least three times. Keep up the connection with the realms of the elements. You will find your individual way of doing this.

It is O.K. to repeat more often than just three times for each sequence. You may also practice each section (fire and water) individually.

More on four elements and its archetype

The Divine name and the process of manifestation

The Divine name as expressed in the elementary polygons is a perfect expression of the world as we experience it. Consequently, identifying ourselves with this Divine principle means to gain control over the energies of a higher order that desire manifestation.

The triangle relates to the spark that sets things in motion. Its correlate within ourselves is our will. In the cosmos it is the world of emanation. It is the power to say the "there is" ("let there be").

We find its opposite in the water element, as expressed in the pentagon. The five is the second figurative prime number. The qualities of water are cold and humid, as opposed to the hot and dry of fire. It correlates to our emotions. In the cosmos it is the world of formation. Water represents life while fire represents light. Water and fire are considered to be the basic elements while the other two elements are regarded to be interactions between the two primary elements. Water is desire to manifest that goes with all life. It is desire and formation. Fire is will to create.

The air element is interaction between fire and water. It creates the matrices that are necessary for manifestation. It structures, organizes, and adjusts. Anything that you intend to create needs a mental form that determines its relations within the planes of existence. It is dual, relating to both fire and water and allowing the interaction of these two primary elements in the process of manifestation. The square is a geometric shape that lies between the triangle and the pentagon. The four is no prime number. It is 2 x 2, the double of a prime number or a prime number multiplied by itself. It expresses the dual nature of our thinking, but also the organizing of all there is perceived into the four elements, again 2 x 2. The four represents the structural qualities of the mental plane that we perceive. You can see our mind as a sensory organ that perceives forms in the mental plane. It is a sensory organ that orders the many other perceptions that we receive and that continuously abstracts from the primary impressions and from primary abstractions on the objective, unspeakable, levels so that we can function in our environment.

The earth element finally is manifestation that springs from the interaction of fire with water. This is beautifully expressed in the second geometric shape with five points in a circle, the pentagram. This shape is a pentagram that is surrounded by five triangles. It is coter the world of consciousness (the material plane) from the world of desire (the astral plane) and to manifest there, usually on the etheric level. The evocative magician uses a triangle in which the astral being can manifest. The astral being that is symbolized by the pentagon gains the quality of the triangle so that it can become manifest in consciousness. In the process of evocation the pentagon transforms into the pentagram.

The earth element as symbolized in the pentagram then obviously is the synthesis of the other elements, or planes. Things have to be conscious to exist. The pentagram contains the other elements. All elements are traced within the circle that represents the universe as a whole, conscious and non conscious. Keep these relationships in mind when you proceed to practice oneness with the Divine.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Learn How To Direct Life Force

You had your first experience with directing life energy when you practiced seeing it with the wand. For some the following practices you will need a partner. To be more effective you need also learn a preliminary practice that employs your capability to imagine. Anything that you image is structure and life energy follows structural principles easier than space-time distances. This characteristic of life force opens up truly fantastic potentials for the person who learns to use it.

The whole science of magic is a result of this characteristic of life energy! Our mind creates structures in continuous sequence! This is the reason for the fact that magic is as old as mankind. Earliest man already realized that events sometimes followed visualization.

Learn How To Feel Life Energy

Practice #4: Take the wand and point it to sensitive parts of your body.

1. Feel one end of the wand with the palm of any one of your hands. To feel the life energy, hold the palm about one inch from the end of the wand.
2. Point the wand to the wrist of the hand, again one inch away.
3. Hold your fingers in front of the wand, one by one.
4. Point the wand toward the area of the forehead that is in the center between the eyes, one inch away.
5. Do the same thing with any other area of your body.

The feeling that you get is your individual experience. Some persons feel a tingling. Others feel a slight cool breeze. Most persons feel a gentle warmth. What you feel depends very much on what group of nerve endings respond first.

The person who is kinetically oriented responds with a feeling of a tingling or breeze while the visually oriented person feels warmth. What happens in this experiment is the following:
Your life energy field is stronger than the energy field of the wand. Therefore you draw life energy from the wand. When this life energy enters your body it stimulates the tactile nerve endings in your skin. You experience this stimulation of nerve endings as a feeling of warmth, a tingling, or a breeze. You have this feeling even though there is no wind or high temperature between the wand and your body.

Learn How To See Life Force

Although this is not absolutely necessary for your beginning of magical practice, it is good if you learn to see life energy.

Practice #1: Hold both hands in front of you, about one foot from your eyes. Do so with a neutral background such as a wall. Have the fingers of both hands touch each other. Now very slowly pull the hands apart and see the "strings" that are still connecting the fingers that separate from each other. For some people it may take a bit of training, but it's not difficult.

Practice #2: Hold one end of the wand in one hand and touch the other end of the wand with the index finger of your other hand. Slowly pull the index finger and wand apart from each other and observe the "luminating" bridge, or string. If you have seen the string, you know why I call it "luminating."

Practice #3: Same as before, but pull apart rather rapidly, up to four inches. Chances are that you see a short emanation from both, the finger and the wand. Now you give the mental command for the two emanations to join into a luminating string. This is your first experience to direct life energy with your mind.