Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Mental Plane

With this lesson you will learn how to join and align three elements: the elements of fire, water, and air. Below I repeat the key words for each one of these elements:

Hot and dry, positive and electric, expanded light energy. Will, the world of emanation, or caus equilateral triangle.

The Hebrew letter YOD in the Divine name.
The Salamanders, fire spirits or fire elementals.
The Divine spark that is at the root of all manifestation.

Cold and humid, negative and magnetic, concentrated life energy. Emotions, the world of formation, or the astral plane.

The regular pentagon.
The Hebrew letter HE in the Divine name.
The Undines, water spirits or water elementals.
The formative potential of desire that interacts with the Divine will.

Hot and humid, positive and magnetic, expanded life energy. Mind, the world of creation, or the mental plane.

The square.
The Hebrew letter VAU in the Divine name.
The sylphs, air spirits or air elementals.
The creative potential of (mental) structuring that links the desire to manifest with the Divine will to manifest.

Cold and dry, negative and electric, concentrated light energy. Consciousness, the world of forms, the material plane.

The pentagram.
The Hebrew letter HE in the Divine name.
The gnomes, earth spirits or earth elementals.
The synthesis of the other elements that results in conscious manifestation.

Why Astral Travel Must be Explored

It is because you need to find the happiness which is within and the peace is not achievable if you start to look outward. What you do next is to explore the various realms within. These realms connect with the astral planes. Your sphere of protection will be very useful when you start travelling in this realm.

In this inner workspace you are aware that you are the ruler of your energetic universe. You know that from this workspace you can reach the astral dimension of any energetic form, or realm, of the universe. Once you have estaer comes to you. This may be sounds, touch, visions, thoughts, etc. Your memory is stronger and this will help you recall most of these experiences so that you can write them down after you will have removed yourself from this realm. Some students like to interact with fire elementals, or Salamanders. This type interaction may take the form of a conversation, of a telepathic communication, or anything else.

The main purpose of this experience of astrally travelling through the elemental realm of fire is to get a good understanding of it. Once you have extensively explored that realm, you may connect with it whenever you want to do so. This experience takes the function of being like a utensil. However, this utensil does not have a material object as its focal point like other magical utensils. It is anchored within the realm of your inner workspace. Your access to the fire is a flaming triangle or whatever other shape you like to use. Gradually you will establish many such anchors, or gates, within your inner workspace. In this lesson you will learn to establish gates for the four elemental realms. If you study other forms of magic, you may open up realms to the various energetic hierarchies: the Runes, the planetary spheres, the realm of various groups of entities, mythological realms such as Christian saints, Voodoo deities, Egyptian gods, Tibetan deities, etc.

You may leave this realm whenever you feel a need or whenever you want to do so. For the first time, your astral travel in the realm of fire (or any other element) should not exceed 15 minutes. Gradually you may extend the time of your exploration to one hour. You need to know that it is not important how long you stay in a specific elemental realm, but it is the intensity of experience that counts.

While you explore your inner realm astrally, you do this with the awareness that it is connected with your outer realm and that both are connected with the cosmic realm of the element.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Laws of Structural Links

1 The Basic Principle of Magical Transfer and their Technological Use: Distance is a result of structural differences. This means, in other words: The flow of life energies follows similar structures. In practical application: If you have two identical designs, chi (life energy) can flow between the two designs.

2. If you take an object that was part of a person such as hair, you can establish a bridge of energy with that person. This is so because the genetic code that you find in a hair cell is identical to the genetic code of all other cells of the body of that person. The use of hair, fingernails, blood, or similar things resulted from experience.

3. We can direct life energy with our mind. This is so because our mind can generate structures. If we visualize a person to whom we send life energy, we generate in our mind a structure that's similar to that person. This structure connects with the target person and a flow of energy to that person becomes possible.

4. Equivalent Structures: Equivalent structures are not near identical. They result from determining a well-specified frame of reference as a "universe" for a specific set of effects, energies, or individuals. Individual settings of this frame of reference determine to what event, effect, energy, or individual, the now modified frame of reference connects.

5. Equivalent Structures in Nature. Nature gives us a wide variety of examples of what we call equivalent structures. I each of these cases you can use one system to determine characteristics of the other. The way to determine these characteristics is the result of research into the specifics of the equivalent structure, statistical comparison, and development of models that make translation possible. Good examples are iridology (for diagnosis and to tell about characteristics of the person, even to foretell future trends), foot- and hand reflexology, ear acupuncture, and astrology. In the latter the zodiac and heavenly bodies take the aspect of a large radionics device. The astrological zodiac is a naturally occurring frame of reference. It compares to a huge radionics box that connects with everything on this planet. We can not set the "dials" of our planetary system, but we have other ways of using this radionics device of cosmic proportions. We can calculate in advance the positions of the elements of this radionics box, the planets. Then we can determine the kinds of zodiacal energies that connect with any given individual at any given time. After we determined the nature of the zodiacal energies we can interpret them as trends that are valid for the individual.

6. Artificial Equivalent Structures. There are several symbolism's and devices that humans have developed to be equivalent structures. Whenever our mind determines something to reflect a "universe," i.e., a system that we perceive as closed such as a human being, we can use it as a symbolism that we can use to represent equivalent structures. In such cases the map becomes a structural link to the territory it has the potential to describe. The tree of life is one such device. Other frames of reference are symbolism's of any kind, notably alphabets, Enochian tablets, and mythologies. The radionic device is a more recent development of a frame of reference that allows the establishing of equivalent structures. It is well known that the wiring diagram of a radionics type device establishes a structural link in the same way the radionics device itself does. If you regard this phenomenon in the light of structural links, you have no problem understanding its reason.

We can use artificial equivalent structures to connect with specific energies of a higher order (such as zodiacal energies) which we can then use to generate specific trends. If we connect such a generated trend with a structural link to a person we can influence the trends that this person experiences, i.e., we can modify the "destiny" of the person.

The nature of the cosmic frame of reference, the zodiac, gave rise to a new technology: We have developed a frame of reference that, with specific settings, can connect with the system of cosmic zodiacal energies. This allows us to generate any trend of our liking that we can then project to any target of our liking.

We can use artificial equivalent structures for readings and for practical magic.

The fact that a specific artificial equivalent structure is extremely useful and can be applied universally does not mean that this structure "is" the universe. Such nonsense compares to saying that a map is the territory it represents or our language is the universe. The success of specific magical mappings leads quite often to such assumptions. In the cases where the impact of the mapping is on specific psychological characteristics of the human species and where it fits smoothly some of the existing mechanisms of socio-economic suppression, religions are born. (YES!! From the preceding follows that religion is a result of magical technology that was misinterpreted by primitive humans!)


Some of the artificial equivalent structures are true symbolisms while others are simply arrays of symbols. In a true symbolism the structure of the set is important. The position of each element of the symbolism in relation to all others is of significance. Where such a relation is not present, we speak of an array of symbols. Examples of true symbolisms are the tree of life, the tarot, mythologies, the entities of Bardon's spherical magical system, and the Eighteen Sacred Futhork

Runes (the Armanen system - available from HSCTI). Examples of arrays are the Enochian system of magic, the entities of the Lemegeton and most other grimoires, all Runic systems besides the Armanen system, and many of the "artistic" representations of the Tarot.

It is irrelevant whether you "channel" the system of artificial equivalent structures (as is the case with the Enochian system of magic) or feel it as mythology or develop it logically.

Most channeled AES are arrays rather than true symbolisms. The process of the technological evolution of the symbolism remains the same in any of the cases, channeled and logically developed or mythological. Furthermore it is important to realize the following: that an artificial equivalent structure is comprehensive (i.e., there is nothing that you could not apply it for) does not imply that we could not establish infinite many other such systems.

Too many good metaphysicist fell into the trap of accepting some specific system as the "only truth" just because it proved to be comprehensive. A useful map is not a god! The tree of life is not the universe. A mandala is not "all there is to know."

On this place I want to remind the eager traditional magician of something important: What I said above shows clearly that the "mystery school approach" is a thing of the past, if not ridiculous. The invention of the radionics device and the individual approach of creating our own sigils and systems of equivalent structures should LONG AGO have helped us free ourselves from cumbersome "traditions" that take too smoothly the aspect of organized religion.

Everything is connected

Structural Links

A radionics expert once stated that radionics is part of ceremonial magic. He considers the tuner a solidified thought form and the rates representing agreements with the subtle nature spirits.

I can agree with such an animistic approach. In the old times, people thought of lightning being a "god." In fact, they considered practically all natural phenomena, even the planetary energies, as being anthropomorphic gods, i.e., gods that look somewhat like humans. Still in our days most people have a concept of a gaseous mammal above the clouds, usually bearded and of the male sex who "made it all" with "his" hands.

At some point in human history, natural scientists began to develop models that were less anthropomorphic on the one hand and naturally more useful on the other. From such expansion of scientific concepts, they developed new technologies.

Some people may be quite correct if they say that cars are gods that transport us; provided that we appease them with some liquid called gasoline and that we know how to touch them correctly.

It is okay. for humans to satisfy themselves with an animistic approach. With this approach, they are able to use some techniques of magic and radionics if they the “correct tradition" (which means religious tradition) that tells them how to do what.

We have another, more useful, option. We can begin to analyze magical and radionic procedures in scientific terms. That's exactly what we have begun to do in the previous lessons. Naturally, we will find soon that a structural approach has more potential than the old animistic model could ever offer. Such approach will prove to be more useful in many respects. Above all, it will lead us to an understanding of magic and radionics that can easily rid us from the straitjacket of stale traditions. At the same time it will allow vibrant creativity to expand our magical powers to levels that traditionalists are incapable of conceiving.

Practice #19: A cattle prodder

With the following experiment, I am making a point or two. Some people felt upset about me ridiculing certain practices. I suggest to those folks to convince their priests (or whomever) not to ridicule all that has value for me. Then we may talk again. Above all, no one who does not want to do so is required to perform the following experiment!

First, let's fantasize ourselves into an imaginary journey: Imagine yourself traveling to a tribal society somewhere in New Guinea. It needs to be a tribal society that has never heard about civilization as we know it. Among your equipment, you have a cattle prodder that causes electric shocks. Since you know some of the religious beliefs of that society you make some image at the right time (the sacred time of the year) and in a traditional shape. Then you connect this image with your cattle prodder. Chances are that with such a contraption you can convince these people of your divine nature or of your spiritual connection with their sky of gods. It all works because of several reasons: First of all, those good folks have no idea of electricity, but they certainly can feel the shocks. They may think that the shock they get is the power of their gods. Another important facet of your experience is that you adjusted to the existing belief structure. If you did not do it, they would. That could be quite risky since electric shocks are somewhat painful and the connection with a demonic force is always an easy-to-do assumption.

As far as the feeling of life energy is concerned, most of America and Europe compare well to the jungles of New Guinea. Few people know that life force exists. Still less know that they can feel life force. The majority of people deny the very existence of life energy. When selling my Orgone generators I let people feel the energy. This made me realize that about 90% of the people feel life force whether they believe in it or not.

All of this naturally is a fertile ground four our cattle prodder experiment. All you need to do is adjust somewhat to the existing mainstream religion.

I did the experiment in the following way. In a Christian bookstore, I bought a cross that measured about 6 inches in length (the funny thing was that it was made in Communist China. When it comes to money some of these commercially adept folks obviously live deal with the devil!). I drilled a 1/4 inch hole from the top to the center. Then I took a small jewelry type crystal and broke it in two. One half of it I inserted into the hole. I stuffed some paper on top of it to hold it in place. Then I plugged the hole with wood filler the same color as the cross. The other half of the crystal I put on the well of an operating Chi Generator. Now the cattle prodder was in operation and ready for use.

What I did next is having my Christian acquaintances feel it. I made a few commentaries about the power of their God coming from the cross.

Most people feel the life energy when they hold the palm of their hands about one inch above the center of the cross. When they feel this energy under the appropriate circumstances, they are quite logically induced to think that it truly is the power of their God that emanates from the cross. When they feel a slight breeze rather than warmth, I like to continue with the fun by referring to the passage in the Old Testament that mentions how King David felt the presence of God as a gentle breeze. A cattle prodder like this will sure provide you with a lot of fun. Perhaps you may even become inclined to organize a church.

Why does this cattle prodder work? The answer lies in the crystal. The two parts of the crystal form an excellent structural link. The obvious linkage consists of the breaking surfaces that are very similar. A second linkage may be the subtle structure of the crystal itself: intricacies of the crystal grid that are the same throughout the original crystal. It is identical in the two parts. From the previous lesson, you know that the person who holds the palm of the hand above the center of the cross will draw life energy from the Chi generator where the second half of the crystal serves as a structural link. The near identical structures of the two crystal parts make the transfer from Chi generator to cross possible. Instead of the crystal, you may work with a scribble or any other graphic design that you copy twice. Put one of the copies inside the cross and the other copy into the Welz Chi generator. Then have fun with your friendly neighborhood fundamentalists! If this is not your idea of having fun, feel free to skip this practice!

Equivalent and Near-Identical Structural Link

In the first lesson you have become familiar with the idea of structural links. Structural links connected with the target and structures represented the magical action. We have realized that life energy connects through equivalent or identical structures and that it allows transfer through the same type structure.

In the following we work with the two concepts of identical and equivalent structure, then we practice a few simple experiments. To get a practical "feel" for what we are telling you is more valuable than a thousand words!

It is easy for you to understand the concept of an identical structure. We have identical structures in case #1 where a hair (ideally with follicle) connects with the person, because the genetic code in the cells of the hair is almost identical to the genetic code in all other cells of the organism from which the hair comes. Therefore life energy transfers from the hair to all other cells of the organism. Likewise we have an identical structure in the case of practice #19. If we limited ourselves just to the concept of identical or near identical structures, we would already have a wealth of technologies at our disposal. However, experience teaches us that this idea of structure takes on a much wider meaning. This is quite obvious in the case of the charismatic church. The visualization of a person shows hardly any structural identity with the person itself. It's an appearance that our brain cells give us after a series of abstractions. This appearance results from memories. In some way we can say that our memory allows a structural linkage that involves the dimensions of time. A similar thing happens in case #4, where the names are written down.

It will be good now to go through the practices in lesson 2 to explain the workings of life energy and how the magician can use it. From an understanding of these practices we will then be able to work out new magical technologies.

Practices #1 and #2: The structural transfer may be ignored. Life energy seems to have a capability to stay connected for a while.

Practice #3: Life energy flow follows mental commands. Later we will learn that life energy may take on a shape that you "tell it" to take. In a strong field of life energy you can photograph this shape with any camera such as a Polaroid camera. You may expand the exercise by commanding the energy bridge to form an arch rather than a straight line.

The fact that you can mentally direct life energy is obvious in cases #4 and #6 of lesson #1. This capability is possible because life energy transfers through equivalent structural links. The near identical structure is typically of the same material. The equivalent structure is of other material. Clothing that is used in some magical operations to influence people represents a near identical structure, because it contains skin rubbings of the person. A photo on the other hand is an equivalent structure. There are ways of making very effective equivalent structures that are not as obvious as photos. Radionic rates are a good example. So are specific sigils that you can create to connect with a person or with a specific action.

Practices #5 through 14 are all transfers by way of equivalent structures.

Sometimes magicians use the word "symbolic representation" when talking about equivalent structure. With this they mean something that represents persons, groups, events, or specific magical energies or entities.

An old assumption of magicians is the following: If you have the true name of something (such as a spirit), then you have control over it. As a consequence of this hypothesis many magicians have developed mantras of power, i.e., phonetic expressions, that connect with specific entities of with specific action. Experience has taught magicians how they should call specific energies (entities) to action. A mantra, or "true name," of course, is an equivalent structure.

Equivalent structures may vary depending on the circumstances, the cultural background, the magical system and the specific symbolism or design system used. The most frequent bases of equivalent structures are graphical outlines (sigils), sounds (mantras and, of recent, sound pitches), dance forms, special mixtures of incenses, dolls, astrological chart representations, radionics devices, and symbolism such as Runes and the Tarot. In this previous description of equivalent structures we have recognized another important factor: The matrix of the equivalent structure. This matrix is any structure (such as a set of symbols as in the Tarot) that the magician may arrange to establish a structural link.

Many of these matrices are "artificial" ones. That means that humans established them according to their belief systems. Although such matrices are excellent, they are not an absolute need for magic in general.

The zodiac is a good example for a natural matrix. Its settings (planetary positions) at a specific time determine the characteristics of a human being that is born under these settings. In a more generalized effect, astrological positions establish a field of connections with energies of a higher order. This energy field establishes the trends that influence the action of everything in its realm. We will come back to this later and we will show how we can generate our own astrological trends with relative ease, especially when we use a Welz generator for this purpose.

The connection of equivalent structures with the target or with an energy of a higher order (spirit, entity, etc.) results sometimes in part from the functioning of our brains. This is especially true when we use letters of the alphabet or numbers as elements of such an equivalent structure. Our mind recognizes some object as a general matrix for an equivalent structure (a "universe") and then establishes the specific setting of the matrix that ensures contact with the target.

From a technological point of view, we have available a wide spectrum of equivalent structures that range from pure visualization or imagining (mental images) over the making of sigils, the use of natural structural links such as incenses, oils and herbs, all the way to the near identical structural links.

The radionic device is an excellent example of a system of equivalent structures that are totally arbitrary. But then again some of the symbolism, alphabets, sound systems, etc., are arbitrary bases as well.

It seems that if, with our minds, we decide that something represents the universe - or that we declare something as symbolizing the universe (or the totality of our environment), then we can devise partial systems of it that represent the elements of this universe. For instance if we decide that the radionic box represents the human body, then we can determine a system of settings (the radionics term for setting is rate) that represent the various parts and sub systems of the body.

Equivalent structures are the result of conventions. The capability of our minds to generate psychic linkage may be at the root of the functioning of equivalent structures. On the other hand we can get a good linkage with a near identical structure (such as a hair) and then develop a system of equivalent structures (rates) for the body from which the hair is coming and its specific systems. If we do not have the linkage of the hair, then the setting for the liver may also bring in zodiacal energies that correlate to the liver (Jupiter energies in this case).

Diosctance is the Result of Structural Differences

When we say that distance is a result of structural differences we need to include both, similar and equivalent structures. The more similar the structure, the closer are the objects as far as the transfer of life energy is concerned.

The living being establishes distance by means of its shifting structural linkages. Therefore the living being practices magic at all times.

From the structural concepts that we have established above follows that closeness is not only within the three dimensional space that we see and in which we move. Quite often we are too involved with this habitual concept of space while completely ignoring the "magical closeness" that life energy opens up for us. We may only become painfully aware of the powerful consequences of such "closeness from outside our three dimensional space" at times when we are the victim of a spell that someone has cast from thousands of miles away. Even then we are more inclined to think in terms of the "miraculous" rather than accepting the obvious. This compares to the zoologist who admires the "capability of a butterfly to smell a female that is several miles away and to find his way there." To smell means to pick up traces of chemicals. Directional smelling is even more difficult, especially when there is nothing to smell! A high school kid can calculate the amount of molecules of the female's scent in the air some five miles away to prove that the academic zoologist's statement is absolute nonsense! Why not accept that there is something different from "smell" and "normal sensory perception" out there? Structural linkage that bridges visual space is a very valid concept that explains a lot of things easily. .