Saturday, April 22, 2006

Fate or Destiny?

In knowing ourself, life just became ourself. Some said that the destiny had been set the day you were born and if you look into the astrology you might figure it out. The entire events of your life is in the frequency. It's answered when u start to understand why you are here and in that particular events.

Then you start to receive the concoiousness and power that comes with responsibility. No matter how many time you deny, it will keeps on coming until u are awaken of who yourself really is. It is a trust bestow unto you to create balance to the world. It is the world of truth and it's painful. Someday I just feel like shit and someday I feel like quiting, someday I fell like stupid working around the clock and just feel like stuck here waiting..

However, there's nothing that I can't do but I'm not to be mentioned caused I'm unsaid and hidden.


Anonymous said...

There are 2 path which leads to one thing. It just hard to explain whats inside. May peace be upon us all.

Anonymous said...

i want to meet Life...coz im living in 'dream', as if...hope one day,i could realized my purpose of living...and know my destiny...even to change my fate...i dunno who i really am, and i dunno what i want in my life either...may god bless me...