Monday, February 04, 2008

Mentalist vs Spiritualist

Where is the border? Nowadays, lots of motivational speakers coming out with seminar on self mastery or self improvement of personal growth. Many of the talk will end up on how to remove the negative energy or emotion and lastly program the mind to be positive towards achieving goals.

The process will normally starts by identifying the current issues or states and accepting what you have emotionally and mentally. This is a parapsychology technique and concept of mastering the mind. As you know our mind is the world with the hemispheres similiar with the real world. To simplify, the mind is divided by left brain and right brain. As you know, the left brain is responsible for the concious stuff and the right brain is the subconcious mind. The potential is the subconcious mind of where the gold mine is located. Your subconcious mind remember all the events happening in your life and if you allow yourself to go deeper you may get into your past life.

By mastering your mind, you can walk between the thin line of having conciousness while you are in your subconcious. Great powers are discovered in this state of mind like remote viewing, astral travel, etc. So, dont be slave to your mind, master it and it will serve you.

So that's all about the power of the mind and when it reach to its maximum ability, then there is another powerful entity which sits above the mind and body. It is the be continued

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