Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thoughts and Actions

So.. Where did it comes from? All the brilliant ideas that make up the world comes from the same source. Whether it is a good or bad idea, it all comes from the same source. Universal conciousness (mainframe) as I would like to call it. but anyway it is not the topic that I would like to discuss here.

What I like to highlight here is the two different path that you take when you do somthing. It is all from the thoughts that comes to your brain. Sometimes you just do not know what you have done or did for certain tasks or activities in your daily life. For example, I had signed up for Kenjutsu and Iaijutsu class recently which I had never thought of. But later I discover my hidden skills that is awaiting for me to discover.

Sometimes, you do things which you had planned for and you know what you are doing. And sometimes, so many things in your mind that you are planning to do later. Seconds by seconds the thoughts come to your mind and you are determine to do it but there is also external force that can overule your plans. For example, while you were in shower, you were thinking of going to the gym with your buddy but once you fisnish off your shower, you got a call from someone you love telling you that someone is very sick and need your help. So there goes your plan..

You see.. even one second or a minute later is not beyond our control. So, learn to absorb the external force which will bring you back to be the King to your body and the King is God itself.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Back to Hypnosis

Now, that many of you had email me on this subject since I did promise to write an article on simple technique to hypnotise. To start with lets do it with someone you know like your own family or friends.

Now, I am presuming that most of your close mates will look at you with slightly raises eyebrows if you launch into a lecture on how nice it is to

So, as a solution, don't say a great deal...
A great starting point is the hypnotic gaze induction, now this has nothing to do with magick or the occult; it is just refocusing your eyes so it appears to them that you are looking through them.

As you seem to look though the, they usually begin to enter a mild trance just through that, try it on yourself in a mirror and see if you don't start to feel a little out of focus!

Now, after you have been gazing though your now slightly entranced friend for a moment or so, you can begin to verbally deepen the state, maintaining the gaze. I find that with family and friends, those who are familiar with your non hypnotic speech pattern, using the quotes pattern helps 100 fold...

So instead of saying "now as you sit there, noticing your breathing..."
You can say "you know...there are some weird people in the world...I was on a bus the other day...and someone sat next to me...looked me right in the eyes... and said for me to notice my breathing...he said that he wanted me to Breath deeper...and relax...and what was the strangest thing...I did relax..Now."

Remember to use your own words, and mark out your embedded commands by perhaps a drop in tonality or a specific gesture.

This should hopefully induce a light trace state, if now... just continue, the great thing about this is that if it doesn’t work, no harm is done and you can try again.

"And as I sat there...on the bus...this man...kept telling me... to feel think about the gentle movement of the bus...and to breath deeper still... and feel so relaxed"

So, hope fully we have the basic trance induction, there are literally 1000s of conversational inductions you can use, soon I will collect what I consider to be the best in a specific article, but for now, just do that or something similar to induce the conversational trance.

Your wok here should follow the ABS protocol.
A=attention, (this is done through the hypnotic gaze"
B= Bypass the critical factor (This is done though use of the quotes pattern)
S=Stimulate the unconscious (this is done though the suggestions to relax)

Now that we have followed the crucial ABS formula, it is time to do our trance work.

This depends on your intention, if your intention is just to practice, then you can do what you like as long as it is positive, and not objectionable (break these rules and risk annoying the critical factor, breaking the trance state and getting slapped)

Your intention should be themed to help them, some examples of what I have done include general happiness, helping a friend with exam nerves, helping a family member before a job interview etc.

With the trance any positive suggestion you give will multiply in strength by dozens of times after you have induced the light trance, so just give them positive suggestions, still be subtle and indirect as a rule, for example for the simple happiness theme "and as I sat there, in the bus...I couldn't help hear...the strange man...telling me to..Feel so happy...and I felt a sense of his suggestions...and couldn't help...allowing feel really good...really feel i listened to the words he spoke... strangely enough...i did seem to feel happy...perhaps for no reason...which i new of"

And now that you know the basics of inducing a trance and giving positive suggestions to your family, it is now time to some much more covert stuff...

Have you ever been ranted at by a family member or friend? Has someone close to you ever really lost it, flew off the handle and gone n an emotional rant?

Now often times you deserve, and in those cases it is best to shut up and take it on the chin. However, if they are going too far, and it is best for both you and then if they stop it; it is time to employ the famous pattern interrupt. The interrupt is also great for getting people out of other negative states, such as fear, sadness, anger and such like.

Now really any random statement will do, but it helps to be congruent, say it as if it was something meaningful, this will double the effect.

A simple interrupt alone however will not do much good. This creates a small opening in their consciousness, which if you don't fill returns back to the old negative state that you don't want.

So to fill it you quickly have to re frame the situation, in the small opening assume the role of the one who is in charge, and quickly move them out of the negative frame e of mind.

For example...
Break the negative state with a non-sequester like "the dog meowed in the rain last Tuesday."

Quickly step up to them and say something like "now pull yourself together, you know it will be fine, now sit down and you'll be fine"

And hopefully that will help you out, you have followed the ABS formula to a degree:

A: The congruence and importance place on your non-sequester by your tonality grabs their attention

B: You have bypassed the critical factor by creating a small gap of blankness as they struggle to understand what you said

S: you have stimulated the unconscious by taking control f the situation and giving them positive suggestion.

Now, you have some powerful tools here for creating dramatic positive change in the live of those close to you.

You have read about them, it is time to get out into the real word and start doing them, and your induction don't need to be as weird as a scary stranger on a bus, tailor them to who you are speaking to.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Is there such thing as bad luck?

One day, it just happens that you wake up late for work and there is a very-very important meeting/presentation that your boss had asked you to attend at 8 a.m. Then you had a car problem, the battery's dead. You need to call for the breakdown service to get the replacement battery. By now the time is already 8 a.m. and you are running late.. So, how do you deal with this situation??

Little that you know that all these problems are coming and that there is no way you could have prevent it earlier. Actually, all have been planned for you on that day to be like that and it is not what it supposed to be. No problem! It is in accordance to the master programmer who wants it to be that way. So what happen to create your own destiny? Why it didn't go as what you had planned?

The system that we live in is an equilibrium by itself where it creates hormony by balancing the positive and negative. If you noticed, the night before you had a party or some good time or happy hour which had gone a little extreme. And the next morning, the universal system just correct the situation and brings you back to the balance state. You need to realise that the things that happened to you are all self-inflicted. The way to accept the balance state in the act is to let it be and think positive on all the causes and effects. For example, if it wasn't your car's battery dead, you might had gone out at 7.15 am and hit the road. And at 7.20 am you missed the red light and had got you into an accident. However, you really do not know wheather the accident will happen or not. but if you look deeply you will know it.. Another thing you can just get exploded with the situation and rush to take a cab to the office just to meet the 8am. You only noticed that you had left the latest presentation slide at home and endup showing the outdated slides.

The question is how do you deal with the master programmer plan since it seems bad to your eyes. It is how you react to the situation that is important because the actions that you take will determine the scenario. So coming back to the situation, you chose not to react negatively and waited for the car's battery replacement. You reached office calmly at 8.30 a.m. and amazingly the meeting has not started since they are still waiting for the big boss that is late on that day. Now you have time to set your presentation slide and have a sip of coffee while waiting. It's not a bad day after all..

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Source of the Force

What make the shape of a certain thing? Quark is the smallest particle of atom which is in a form of light. It can be formed into any shapes and in everthing that we see. It is the force that bind them together in any particular shape. Ever wonder why identical twins can feel each other's feeling? Because they are alike.. so how to be alike and able to feel the vibration.

However, we are only able to see the outer layer (physical) because we are using the eyes and interpreted by the brain. But if you look from the heart you will see what is beyond the shape, beyond the physical (material). The question is how do we see it from the heart?

Try this.. take 1 card from the deck and try to guess? Did you guess the correct number? No.. that's because you are still trying to use your brain. Now, shut down all your physical cues and transform yourself into light quark. Back to the same source, in energy form we are all the same. So, you wont do bad things to others once you realise that you are only doing it to yourself. Look at many to one and one to many.

Feel yourself as a card, and try to feel the new form that you are now. Feel the weight and density of the new form you are now and look at youself what is written on your body. Now, for you that have tons of experience in meditating, you know that the mind will interfere and influence your judgement. So, blank yourself and feel the vibration in you until you can feel you are just a wave of vibration. At this moment you are just the witness. Nothingness is life..

Sunday, November 02, 2008

I'm Back!

Dear Readers,

Thank you for the emails, comments and support that have inspired me to keep on writing. I know it has been a long time since the last time I wrote something on this blog.

Well, it has been a hard time for the past couples of month. Have been helping out someone I love to go through the life and keep on fighting. It is not easy for a healer to help someone when the patient does not believe in you or in what you practice. It just like doing hypnosis, it wont work if the person is not a suggestive person and it is like hitting a concrete wall.

Same thing here, I did transfer tons of my chi but it was rejected by the body and I know it is a sign..

Anyway, I will share what I've learn and allevation to the higher level after going through the tests in life.


Monday, June 02, 2008

Ultimate Alarm Clock

Dear readers,
Thank you for all the comments and emails. Really appreciate it. Been soo busy lately with my new project on Healing a Kidney Renal Failure patients. It is time consuming and involve lots of energy. I will be sharing the experiences and results on the Healing journey.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Law of Attraction - Your Wish is Your Destiny

THERE ARE two great principles: the attraction of like to like and the attraction of opposites. Looking at nature we see that if there is one speck of dust on the wall all the dust will collect there. Where there is one grain of wheat much wheat grows. Where there is one little rose plant there will be a great many rose bushes. It may be hard for us to find one fly in the room, but if there is one fly we shall see that there are other flies near it. It may be difficult for us to find one ant, but if there is one ant there will be other ants near it. Where there is one sparrow there will be many sparrows. In the jungle where there is one parrot there will be a great many parrots in the same part of the forest. However much dogs may quarrel and fight, where there are three or four of them it is there that they enjoy being. The rabbit does not delight in being among sparrows, nor does the donkey rejoice in being with serpents.

This shows us that like is drawn to like, to its affinity. This is the reason why nations and races have their peculiar characteristics and attributes: for ages people of like character and like qualities have collected together forming one group. The French are unlike the English, the English are different from the Swedes, the Swedes differ from the Germans. It is not difficult for a person whose intelligence is exercised in this direction to tell at once in a crowd a Belgian from a Frenchman, a Rumanian from an Italian.

In India every province, every district has its peculiar character. A Gujerati will always like to be with another Gujerati. Where there are two or three Gujeratis they are happy, they do not want a Punjabi in their company. The Bengali is not like the Madrassi. When a few Bengalis are together they do not want a Madrassi, and the Madrassi enjoys being in the society of Madrassis; he does not want a Bengali to be there. Why? Because each rejoices in his own element.

Families also have their likeness which comes from the like attributes being drawn to their like. In India where great attention is paid to heredity this is traced very far. The first reason for the attraction of like to like is blood relationship. At the present time relationship is much less thought of; we do not know who our relations are. It is however a great bond, as it is said: the blood is the same, the form is made of the same element.

The second reason is the affinity of occupation. A farmer who has been tilling the soil all day, in the evening will want to be with other farmers with whom he can talk about the crops; he does not want to sit among literary persons. A soldier always wants to be with other soldiers. A sportsman wishes to be with sportsmen; he will not like to be among the learned in whose society he feels out of place. A literary person always seeks other literary persons. A musician likes the society of musicians. I have experienced this myself. Sometimes there were Indians among my audience, people from my own province, but they were less appreciative than Western musicians. The Western musician perhaps did not understand the words I was singing, but he was a musician, his interest in the music made him akin to its being.
The third reason is the similarity of qualities. A brave person will like to be with other brave people; he will not like to be with cowards. A kind person will seek other kindhearted people. The affectionate are drawn to the affectionate, not to the coldhearted. A quarrelsome person will seek out another quarrelsome person to fight with. Like is always recognized by like. If there are two thieves in a company the one will at once recognize the other. If a thief goes from Paris to New York it will be very easy for him to find a brother there. For another person it will take a very long time, but the thief knows at once, 'This is a thief, this is my brother'.
A cruel man attracts the cruelty of others. If we deceive another ever so little we shall at once find others who deceive us. Deceit may not be in our nature - but we have deceived. This is the secret of the punishment of our sins. It is not that God gives us a certain punishment, but by our wickedness, by our evil thought we attract the same wickedness, the same evil thought from others to us. The evil that we do brings the same evil upon us from others. A little kindness in us attracts the kindness of the kind. A kind person meets with kindness wherever he goes, even among the cruel. A least little generosity on our part attracts the generosity of the generous. By the repetition of the names of God, by impressing upon our soul the kindness, the mercy of that infinite goodness we create in our soul those qualities and we attract to us the kindness and mercy of that goodness under all forms and names.

Besides the attraction of like to like there is the law of attraction of each to its opposite. There are two great forces in nature: the creative force and the receptive force that answers to it, or the active force and the passive force, jalal and jamal. This can be understood from the law of rhythm. In every rhythm there is the stronger beat and the weaker beat, the returning. In two-four time, for instance, we count one-two, one-two, the strong beat and the beat that has just as much force as to counterbalance the other.

We can also see this in the forms of protuberance and cavity. The representatives of these two forces in nature are the male and the female. But in every man some qualities are male and some female; in every woman some of the qualities are female and some male.

We can see that the ears receive sound; they do not create. The eyes are creative. The nose perceives the odour; it cannot create. The nose can tell us the flavour of a thing much sooner, much more exactly than the palate. The lips, the mouth, create, and they are attracted to each other. When the ears hear a sound, the eyes at once want to turn to see what it is, from where it comes. The nose at once wants to interfere with what the mouth does. It says, 'Do not chew that any longer. I don't want it', or it says, 'Do justice to that; I like it; it is nice'.
We can see that, when our right hand takes hold of something, the left hand wants to help it. When our right foot goes out, the left foot at once wishes to join it. When we fold one arm, the other arm wants to be folded too. One leg inclines to cross the other. In India there is a superstition that it brings bad luck to sleep with the legs crossed. Everyone knows it, but it is most difficult for anyone to get out of this habit because it is so natural.

Often a person would rather be with his opposite than with one who is nearer his own level. When two who are of nearly equal strength meet they are not harmonious to each other. Students of breath will readily understand this; they know that there is a more active breath and a less active breath, and when both become of equal activity there is a sort of fight. If one person is a great singer and another is teaching voice-production they can agree together. There is no competition between them; the one wants to show himself, to show his voice, the other does not. But if there are two great opera-singers, a tenor and a bass, they will never agree; there is rivalry between them, they both want to be something.

A wise man will rather have a foolish servant than a halfwise one who will interfere in his orders. There is a story of a servant who, when sent to fetch the doctor, went first to the undertaker. He was thinking of the future! If he cannot be among the wise, a wise person will rather be among the foolish than among the half-wise. I have often seen that the simple one with a simple faith can be inspired and become illuminated, while the intellectual is always reasoning and does not advance one step. This is why scientists and mystics never harmonize. The scientist says, 'If you know something, I know something too. If you are something, I am something also'.
There will always be some societies, some associations that we like and some that we do not like; some that do not like us and some that appreciate us, because we always like only our own element. There is nothing surprising in this and nothing to blame; it is the law of attraction.

The Sufi makes himself harmonious with all; he makes himself the element of all. He activates the element that is within, and that element is love. We can learn this from the Bible which says that God is love. The differences and distinctions are external, but from the beginning man is so trained to see the differences that he does not see the unity underlying. People have said, 'We are of this race, we are superior, you are inferior; our religion is superior, yours inferior; our nation is great, yours less'. This was the cause of the present war. The nations of Europe had reached the same level; if one made a good airship another made one better still; if one made a good submarine another made one better still. If the one was strong another wanted to be still stronger.

People have said, 'By being strong, by a strong rule, we shall unite the world'. What a mistake! We can see what happens when we try to rule our family with a strong hand. It will never be united. It is only love that can unite the world. It is the only way in which the union of mankind, universal brotherhood, can be brought about.

Anyway, to make it happens instantly, you need to have a very strong energy in you to manifest the thoughts. And most importantly this law of attraction is also responsible for karma and reincarnation. So, think carefully what you wish or else you might get stuck in this earthly plane and matters.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Mentalist vs Spiritualist

Where is the border? Nowadays, lots of motivational speakers coming out with seminar on self mastery or self improvement of personal growth. Many of the talk will end up on how to remove the negative energy or emotion and lastly program the mind to be positive towards achieving goals.

The process will normally starts by identifying the current issues or states and accepting what you have emotionally and mentally. This is a parapsychology technique and concept of mastering the mind. As you know our mind is the world with the hemispheres similiar with the real world. To simplify, the mind is divided by left brain and right brain. As you know, the left brain is responsible for the concious stuff and the right brain is the subconcious mind. The potential is the subconcious mind of where the gold mine is located. Your subconcious mind remember all the events happening in your life and if you allow yourself to go deeper you may get into your past life.

By mastering your mind, you can walk between the thin line of having conciousness while you are in your subconcious. Great powers are discovered in this state of mind like remote viewing, astral travel, etc. So, dont be slave to your mind, master it and it will serve you.

So that's all about the power of the mind and when it reach to its maximum ability, then there is another powerful entity which sits above the mind and body. It is the be continued

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Have you been hynotised before? The answer is yes and you just unaware of the hypnosis act in your everyday life. Hypnosis is a natural, though altered, state of mind.

The conversation in the office, mall and especially when dealing with sales, when you are driving and pass your turn-off because you haven’t been paying attention. Everyone goes through natural, altered states before they fall asleep, and as they come into wakefulness.

All hypnosis is actually "self-hypnosis." You are allowing the hypnotist to guide you into your deeper and broader memory and other resources. Since it is a 100% consent state, no one can hypnotize you against your will. You are free to reject and receive any suggestion at any time.

Currently, hypnosis is used in many clinical environment for healing of phobia, after surgery treatment, depression, stress relief, etc. To some extent a hypnotist is also used to find a missing person by hypnotising a subject to retrieve a certain information. Would like to know who you are in your previous life? You can also use hypnosis for past life regression.

In next posting I will illustrate a basic hypnosis technique to start with and explain why it works.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year

So how you can achieved what you want to be happened for the next 12 months? You need to do some ritual as some may call it. Well, that ritual is actually is a tantric hypnotherahy (mind programming). It is a self hypnosis and insertion of programming to your unconcious mind. All the best..