Monday, October 01, 2007


25. Practise and time:

It takes practise to see the human aura, so don't be
disappointed if you fail, or see very little the first few
times you try. If you managed to see the aura of the original
blue book, you CAN learn to see the human aura.

Using this training method stimulates the brow centre, which
is responsible for all types of non-physical sight. With
use, it will grow in strength and seeing auras will become
progressively easier to do. It may take weeks, before you get
your first, proper glimpse of the human aura, if you have
poor natural ability for this - but with practise, as I did,
you WILL eventually be able to see it.

I suggest that you practise the mental opening and stimulation
exercises, and observe auras for at least a few minutes every
day. This will stimulate your brow centres development.

26. Spontaneous auric sight:

You will find there will be days when auras are very
difficult to see. You will also find there are days when
auras just appear around people and objects, without any
conscious effort on your part to see them. You will find
this happening at odd times, when your brow centre is, for
some reason, very active. You may be sitting down talking to
someone, and all of a sudden you will see their aura, or
the aura of their clothing, with no effort at all.

Episodes of strong, spontaneous auric sight, will happen
frequently, once you begin stimulating and developing your
brow centre, through the practise of observing auras.

A letter showing this:

Eric: "I have been practising your method daily, for over
a month now, but have not succeeded in seeing much of a
human aura, until now. I can usually see the auras of
colours and plants, and can see my own aura fine. Up
until now, I have only been able to see the auras of
colour, the etheric and some patches of distortion around
people, when I try and see their auras.

Yesterday, I was working on my computer, and my girlfriend
came into my room. She had just showered and was getting
dressed. I just looked at her and "BOOM!!!" there was this
huge aura all around her. It was really beautiful and solid
looking. It was mostly green around her body with a yellow
glow around her head. Oh - there were some red and orange
patches around her hips and stomach.

I was not trying to see her aura. I was trying to finish
my work and was very tired, what with exams coming up the next
week. It just appeared around her like magic.

What happened, how could I see it without trying to? I tried
the next day, but couldn't see it again. What happened?"

Me: Bravo Eric! You are doing extremely well. What you saw
was the full living aura of your girlfriend. I take it she was
naked when you saw it? This would have helped you to get a
better view of it. This is spontaneous auric sight, caused by
all the practise you have been doing - seeing auras. This
will happen more frequently, from now on. It will just happen,
from time to time, when your brow centre is very active, for
some reason or other. This is a sign your brow centre is
responding well to the exercises I gave you, and developing
nicely. Your dreams should also increase in frequency and become
much more vivid, with more lucid dreams etc. This is another
sign of your brow centre developing.

This, above, is a good example of spontaneous auric sight. Eric was
tired and relaxed, when it first happened - the perfect state for
seeing auras. He had been practising auric sight exercises for several
weeks. This had stimulated his brow centre, causing bouts of spontaneous
auric sight to happen.

Eric was lucky enough to have a naked subject for his first
view of an aura, showing him the full human aura, with no
interference from clothing etc. With Eric, this sort of thing
happened every few weeks, for about a year. It then
increased in frequency, happening about once a week, on
average. Sometimes this only showed him a patch of colour on
someone, for a few seconds - at other times, he sees a full

After Eric had this first bout of spontaneous auric sight, he
found it much easier to see the human aura, when he tried. He
still cannot see the whole aura - when he wants to - unless it
happens spontaneously. He can now, though, see bands and
patches of colours in peoples auras, that he could not see

27. Close:

I have taught many people to see the aura using this, above,
method. The fast results, in the early stages, help to build
confidence and keep interest high. This ensures enough work
and effort is put in to get the desired results - seeing the
human aura.

Once you have seen your first aura, you have taken your first
step into a much larger, and more colourful world. If you
practise and graduate to seeing, even a glimpse, of the
illusive human aura, then you are making very good progress
indeed, and your brow centre is showing it's development -
through your increased ability. The next step from this is to
develop clairvoyance. This is the ability to see the more
subtle energies in the world around you. These energies
contain within them: karmic influences, life conditions, the
results of past actions, and future events and probabilities -
plus lots of other exciting and interesting stuff. This
energy is seen, clairvoyantly, as metaphoric imagery, full of
richly symbolic meaning. This is seen as anything from a
simple still picture, to a full coloured, motion picture
quality, mind's eye vision.

------------ Robert Bruce -----------------

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