Friday, October 05, 2007

Understanding Entities & Defending Yourself

There are many as many different types of entities as there are cultures and different people on this planet. They all have certain similarities even with all the diverse cultures and different climates. We have a tendency to ignore all of the myths and legends as superstition or tall tales. I believe that there is a lot more truth to these myths than anyone really knows.
Entities can be put into two major groups and divided into subgroups after that. These are:
1.Good entities
c.Helpful spirits
i.elemental spirits
ii.planetary spirits
iii.ancestral spirits
2.Bad entities
c.Dual-natured spirits
i.elemental spirits
ii.planetary spirits
iii.ancestral spirits
Most of this is self-explanatory except for the helpful and dual natured spirits. Elementals can be of either good or bad intentions. It depends upon the elemental and how you meet them. The basic types are air, water, fire and earth. They have elementals that can be considered blends of the different types of elements. The best thing to do is to leave them alone unless they come up to you and volunteer to help.
Planetary spirits are next. They also have a dual nature and there are good and bad spirits. Some demons have planetary and elemental aspects to them. The planets are Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Moon, Sun, Neptune, and Uranus. A good book on astrology or candle-burning will tell you the different aspects. You can tell by the subjects listed why they are considered to have a dual nature.
Ancestral spirits are also included in this description because they have a dual nature. There are many cultural and tribal legends about how to appease the ghosts of the ancestors. There are also many tales about avoiding angry ghosts in every culture on this earth. Included in this are earth spirits that are animal based or nature based. You also hear tales of helpful ghosts and earth spirits. Voodoo provides a ready base about dual-natured spirits. The voodoo loas have dual natures and can do good or evil depending upon how they appear and which loa is aspected.
All of these spirits that are of a dual nature can do good or bad. It all depends upon their nature and the circumstances of when and where you meet them.
I also have to mention that I am including the gods in both groups because of the many legends and myths that show different gods that do different things. These things are not always good and every culture has a good versus evil theme to their legends.
In the world of today there have been many new and different types of entities evolving. The types and appearances have changed but they seem to have one thing in common. Our environment is not natural for them. They seem to have an elemental or planetary nature. They aren't very smart and they seem to mainly be drawing energy off of human beings for their own uses. These minor spirits are capable of damaging the health and environment of anyone that they attach their links too.
The main reason the methods of self defense work is because of the nature of all of these entities. Every thing has a certain type of energy. This includes rocks and stones as much as people. Everything can absorb the energy of events that happen around it. You can pick up a volcanic rock and hold it in your left hand. Sense the impressions you get off of it.
These entities need a certain type of energy to be able to exist in our environment. I have observed that when a person has an entity of the negative or bad sort attached to them-they also have similar problems. The entities seem to feed off of what would be called the bad emotions. These emotions are anger, rage, suspicion, jealousy, hate, lust, greed, fear, envy and all of their variations. I would like you to think how many people are visible nowadays showing these emotions all of the time. No one seems to know what they are as a person anymore. I wonder how many of these people have entities attached to them.
Every method that you can find in books or by researching in libraries that are used for magical self-defense changes the vibrations present in an area. This makes it so the energy for these entities to survive isn't present. They have to leave and go elsewhere to exist. This is essential for getting rid of crossed circumstances and entities. You banish the energy that is used to make it possible for those things to happen.
The next question is always "How can I do that-everyone always has bad things happen to them." It is true that as long as we're alive nothing is going to go perfectly all of the time. We can make life a lot easier on ourselves by just using some simple methods.
The first thing to do is use self-introspection. You have to impartially look at yourself and be sure that this is how you want to act. You then know when you are being used by something else. You know when it isn't in your nature to act the way you're acting. You can also see how your life might be being influenced by negative influences. If you can truthfully say this isn't me and no one has things like this happen. You can then take the next step.
The next step is to observe everything. I always suggest looking at things out of the corner of your eyes to see if anything seems to flicker or move. Observe your charkas and see if there anything dark or nasty attached to them. Do you feel energy being sucked out of your body or drained all of the time. Does everything seem to be put on hold or delayed in your life? What is your emotional state all of the time. Write down everything you observe and see if you could be being influenced by something else. You can notice these entities also when you can't seem to quit being in a negative mood. I call it a negative mood when any of the above emotions are a constant in your life. I find a lot of the people who are affected by entities can't remember the last time in their lives that they were happy or felt safe.
I then suggest that if you really believe you are being hexed or have an entity attached to you that you do research. There are many different things that raise the energies and the vibrations in an area. The higher pitched vibrations are better. Music is just one of them. There are many books in bookstores and libraries with methods of banishing or exorcising a place or area. If you don't believe you can handle the problems yourself talk with someone else that can give advice or help you.
You decide what method you want to use and decide when to do it. Don't vary the instructions or change the method. Do it exactly the way that it says to perform the method. If you do change it write down what you do and keep a record of it. This is very important as no one can help you if they can't figure out what you've done.
You do everything correctly and then look at your space. You can see the energy glowing a brilliant color that is friendly and welcoming. Your aura has changed colors and looks brighter. All of this happens because you raised the energy vibrations to make it where good spirits want to be there to help you. Any good energy and spirits always feels right and welcoming. Harsh energies and colors mean that you still have work to do. Murky energy and colors mean a problem also.
The whole key to making any of these methods work is to have the high vibration energy around you and in your space. It provides a barrier so none of the negative forces can enter. It also makes it so anything that can enter will have good intentions and be helpful to you. I hope that this article has been helpful to you. You can also bring good into your life by using these methods.
1. You have thoughts and feelings that are unusual for you or you feel that they aren't your own feelings.
2. You feel that everything around you is going wrong and you have no way to figure out why this is happening.
3. You are having an extreme change in physical health and no energy at all for doing the normal things in your life.
This can be a factor in normal life but not all the conditions at the same time when you've been seeing something out of the corner of your eye. There are many different types of problems that could be just dismissed as normal life until all the factors are added together.
Problems with people can't be categorized as quickly as entity problems. The most obvious one is who do you have mad at you and what do they know. You then have to ask would they be willing to hurt or harm someone using what they know. I can truthfully say that most people who know magic of any sort do not go around throwing hexes or curses on someone. They are normally people who work hard upon themselves and their flaws. The few people that do this have given most of the other people a bad name.
The symptoms to watch out for if you have been hexed or cursed are diverse. There are people who effect others lives and are willing to do it.
1. Did they threaten you with magic? All the people I have met who do this let you know what they are doing. They want you to fear them because they can use that emotion to make their spell work.
2. How is your life going? I have noticed most hexed people can talk about their miraculous escapes from death or other problems in life. You hear them talk and then everyone thinks "How could anyone have that many things go wrong at once."
3. Have you been having multiple nightmares of people or things causing you to be upset.
4. Do you occasionally hear chanting, or smell incense and odors. I have noticed that most people being hexed hear or know the people are doing things on some level.
5. Do you see things out of the corner of your vision. I also have noticed that people do occasionally see images of things or people. You don't have to be trained to notice this.
I have helped many people in the past and hope to help more in the future with psychic problems. All of those people would have been able to change their lives for the better if they had known how to defend themselves. I have heard many people say you attract what you deserve. This is not true as a lot of the people that have been victims with these problems are really nice, decent people. The people who try to do the most good sometimes have the most problems.

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