Monday, October 01, 2007


The Primary Energy Centres And Their Colours

| Chakra Name | Colour |
| Base | Red |
| Spleen | Orange |
| Solar Plexus | Yellow |
| Heart | Green |
| Throat | Blue |
| Brow | Violet |
| Crown | Gold |
Table 2: Names and Colours of the
primary energy centres (chakras)

Locations of the seven primary energy centres (major chakras)

1. Base: base of spine (between anus and genitals)
2. Spleen: navel area
3. Solar Plexus: base of sternum
4. Heart: centre of chest (over heart)
5. Throat: base of throat, just above where it joins the chest
6. Brow: exact centre of forehead (between the eyes)
7. Crown: whole top of head, above the hairline


Each primary is best thought of as - roughly the size of your hand.

Each primary has more than one functioning part (or petal).

The _exact_ location of sensations felt, when a primary centres is
active will vary slightly - depending on what part of that centre
(or petal) is active. E.G. The spleen centre is usually felt
between the tummy button and pubic line. The brow centre is often
felt between the eyebrows, instead of on the actual brow.

16. Basic Hue Classification:

The basic hue of an aura is it's dominant colour. This is
the most visible colour of the multiple energies generated by
all the chakras (mixed together) creating a general, overall
colour. There are, of course, many different colours in any
person's aura, but the basic hue is usually seen first.

Many people suggest that people can be classified, as being a
particular type of person, by the basic hue of their aura.

For example:

Red - sensuality, vitality, raw energy.

Orange - emotion.

Yellow - personality power, mental power, intellect.

Green - spirituality, love, affinity with nature,
natural healer.

Blue - highly spiritual, religious, natural teacher,

Violet - very highly spiritual, psychic, clairvoyance,
religious, teacher and healer.

Gold - highly advanced spirituality and psychic
abilities - an adept.

I have found this method of classification to be both unfair
to the person being classified, and extremely misleading.
The basic meanings of the individual colours are well known -
as above. I find the human aura to be such a complex and
changeable engine, it just cannot be classified in such a
simple way.

For example: if a person, with a predominantly blue aura, is
experiencing an emotional crisis, their aura will be flooded
with large patches of orange. This is a temporary state only,
and once the crisis is resolved, their aura will revert to
it's natural blue.

There are so many things that can temporarily change the
appearance of an aura - sometimes just for an hour or more.
Devotional worship, for example, generates high minded
feelings and deep spiritual love. An unstable, emotional,
dominant and violent person, who's aura is, say, naturally red
and orange, with streaks of black in it - can generate higher
spiritual colours, during worship. These will temporarily
flood their aura, giving them the appearance (to auric sight)
of being a very spiritual person - but hiding their "true
colours" and hence, their true nature.


Blue: Jock was a young man I knew, several years ago. He was
an extremely vital, sensitive man, but was very unstable,
having a lot of problems. Jock was a deep thinker, and we
would often expound upon the meaning of life and the nature of
the universe, together. At times like this I would often see
a lovely spiritual blue, surrounding him.

Red: Now, once Jock had a few drinks in him (alcohol), he
could become extremely aggressive, violent and dangerous - at
the drop of a hat. At times like this, I would see his aura
change dramatically, in moments, to a bright, angry red, with
big orange patches and black streaks in it. Not a trace of
his original blue aura would remain. This, red, orange and
black colour, would stay with him, until he calmed down
completely and sobered up.


Dan was an old friend of mine, with a naturally green aura.
When Dan has a problem, his mind goes into overdrive, trying
to find a solution to his problem. His aura then changes to
bright yellow, flooding strongly through his aura. This
reverts to it's original green, very quickly, once he has
found a solution. I have often observed this, while playing
chess with him. Every time he gets into a sticky situation,
his aura floods yellow.


When I have been gardening - having a lot of
physical contact with plants - the aura around my hands and
forearms changes to a lovely green. This green fades away a
few hours later. Close contact with plants seems to have an
effect on the energy body. Maybe this is where the old saying
comes from "Having a green thumb" - for gardening.

These examples demonstrate the changeable nature of the human
aura, in a very general way. An aura is a variable reflection
of the energy activity going on within a person. This
reflection is detected by the brow centre of the observer, and
interpreted, as coloured bands of light, by the sight centre
of their brain. Health, mood, emotion, strong thoughts,
drugs, and other influences, stimulate many different energy
patterns in the primary and secondary energy centres. These
different patterns change the overall quality of the energy
being reflected into the aura. This generates many different
colours - which changes the auras dominant colours.

17. The Human Aura And Colour:

The human aura is very sensitive to colour. It reacts to
the colours of clothing worn and to the colours of it's
surrounding area. Colour affects the subtle flow of energies
within the energy body. This accounts for our strong
natural likes and dislikes, when it comes to choosing the
colours we wear, and those that surround us.

This sensitivity varies, from person to person, depending upon
how sensitive they are and how sensitive their aura is.
Women, generally, have more delicate and sensitive auras than
men. They are, therefore, far more sensitive to the effects
of colour, than men are. Colour can have a strong effect on a
very sensitive person. If they wear a colour that clashes too
badly with their aura, it can make them physically ill.

The effect of colour on the emotions is well known. Wall
colours are carefully chosen, in hospitals and other
institutions, to calm agitated people and put them at ease.
Soft pastel shades of pink and blue are the most frequently
used colours for this, because of their well-known calming

18. Clothing:

It is impossible to get a clear view of an aura through
clothing. The auric colours given off by any coloured
clothing react with the wearer's aura. This causes
interference that blocks and changes the natural flow of
energies within an aura. For example: a blue shirt will
flood the wearer's natural aura with yellow - changing it's

Even neutral coloured clothing will block and dim an aura -
making it dull and difficult to see. If, for example, you
observe the aura of a person wearing a red shirt: their aura
will contain a great deal of green. This shows why bare skin
is best, in order to get a clear view of an aura.

When a coloured material is worn, the band of colour seen
close to the material is the reverse auric colour of that
colour. The aura's real colours will be seen building up from
the outer edge of that colour. The reverse auric colour of
the material, and the true colours of the living aura, affect
each other - changing their natural colours.

19. Disease:

This shows up in the aura in many different ways, sometimes
weeks or months before any physical symptoms appear. An ear
infection, for example, will show up in an aura as a
gradually thickening shadow over the ear and side of the head.
This can be seen several days before any physical symptoms
appear. The shadow will begin as a light-grey smudge,
gradually thickening and darkening. It will eventually change
to a murky-green patch, about the size of your hand. As the
infection worsens it will become shot through with red and
orange streaks, flecks and sparks.

A shadow in the aura is the first sign of _any_ approaching
health problem.
Murky-green, with red and orange streaks, flecks and sparks,
is common to infection.

20. Death:

When a person is dying, their aura undergoes dramatic
changes. I have observed the auras of people, dying of
terminal cancer and other diseases, in the weeks prior to
their death. The first noticeable sign is when the aura fades
and begins to grow weaker and paler. Next (with long term
illnesses) a week or so before physical death, the aura begins
to expand and change. It changes into a beautiful (very pale)
milky-blue, shot through with faint, tiny, silver and white
sparks. These sparks flash and twinkle throughout the aura.
Each spark is only visible for a fraction of a second at a

*Note: The aura of a dying person is a very pale milky-blue.
It is VERY pale and faint and VERY difficult to see. It is
quite common to see a pale-blue aura surrounding a healthy
person, and this does NOT mean they are about to die. The
aura of a dying person is quite different from a normal,
healthy, pale-blue. It is all one colour, much larger than
normal, very milky and very faint.

Closer to the time of death, the aura begins to pulsate,
swelling and shrinking erratically. At times it will fill
the entire room, becoming more of an atmosphere than an aura.
At other times it will be so shrunken as to be almost
invisible to auric sight. It grows paler and finer by the
day, and the tiny silver and white sparks become finer and
increase in frequency.

There is a great deal of activity in all the energy centres,
at this time. The energy body is preparing itself for the
final separation - of the physical body from the non-physical
body (or spirit). There are, at times, faint surges of colour
and faint coloured sparks, like pastel fountains, surging and
falling from the primary centres. They spasm and shudder and
begin generating a much higher and more refined type of
energy. This change heralds the imminent and final
separation, of the spirit from the physical body - what we
call death.

The above is 'not' to be mistaken for the normal pale-blue and
sparks that can be seen in a healthy human aura. The above
observation is not visible to any normal level of auric sight,
but requires some degree of clairvoyance, ie, the ability
to see mind's eye visions.

At some time (variable) before physical death, the aura will
become almost invisible to auric sight. Only a faint, very
pale glow will still be seen, close to the skin. This is
residual etheric matter, clinging to the physical body. There
is, however, still intense activity going on within the energy
body, but this is now far beyond the reach of normal auric

The aura is now reflecting itself into a much higher level of
reality - another dimension. Clairvoyant and astral sight are
necessary, in order to see any more energy activity, during
the final stages of the death process.

At the actual moment of death, if you are watching closely,
you will see a very faint, pale mist, surge up out of the
body, and quickly vanish. This is the spirit leaving the
physical body. That faint mist is residual etheric matter,
clinging to the spirit body, as it departs.

The actual timing for these changes in the aura to occur,
depend greatly upon the type of illness, the duration of it,
and the strength of the dying person. These govern the speed
of the actual death process. With some conditions, this whole
process can happen very quickly, often a matter of hours.
With other conditions, this may happen over several days,
weeks or even months.


pretty-stupid said...

Hi! I have a question. I am a very healthy and active 28 yr old. I went out of my body last night (semi-usual for me) and I saw my aura around my arms for the first time. It was pink & yellow. But then I saw some white and silver sparks. You mentioned these happened when someone is about to die? Now, I didn't see the sparks around my 'arms' I'm not sure where I saw them because I was in and out of lucidity, but I did see them. Can a healthy person have these sparks too? Are there other explanations for seeing sparks? Thank you kindly. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

someone i know had cancer . Before i knew this see came into the room and as soon as i saw her everything went dim almost black. A few weeks later she found out she had cancer. when i was 20 i was a checker at a store a women that i worked with came through the line everthing around her went black i felt very sad. Also months later she found out she had bone cancer she died three months later . So i think you just see there arua dim to black..