Monday, October 01, 2007


Robert Bruce

(C) Copyright 1990

1. Opening:

This article takes a fresh look at auras - what they are,
where they come from, and shows how anyone can learn to see
them. Seeing auras is not as hard as you may think - if you
go about it the right way. This is an easy step by step guide
to doing just that. It starts right at the beginning, with
the easiest to see of all auras - the aura of colour - and
working up, in easy stages, to the more illusive and difficult
human aura.

An aura is the most visible part of the subtle energy
processes going on within all physical objects. All matter
has an aura of some kind - even a humble rock - but it is
pretty dull when compared with the complex interplay of
rainbow colours that make up a living human aura. Auras
emanate from all physical objects, life forces and colours,
as well as from many other energy sources.

The first step in this tutorial makes use of a little known
fact - that colours have auras.

Every colour has it's own unique aura. This is of a
completely different colour from the original. Auras, given
off by bright, primary colours, are much denser and far easier
to see than any other type of aura. Using the auras of
colours, as a training aid, has most people seeing an aura the
very first time they try.

I have been able to see auras for many years. I was not born
with this ability, but taught myself - the hard way. It
took me several years before I could see enough of an aura to
make it a worthwhile practice! I know the problems inherent
in developing auric sight, and this new training method is
designed to help overcome them.

2. How Auric Sight Works:

Auric sight - as with all forms of clairvoyant sight - depends
upon the eyes and the normal optical sight process to work.
Physical and non-physical sight are very closely related.
They are both forms of perception that allow our brains to
perceive energy, of one type or another, as a sight picture.

Here is why:

A. Normal sight:

Eyes receive light - light being a type of energy. Eyes
focus light energy onto light sensitive nerve tissue at the
back of the eye, connected to the optic nerve. Basically,
this light sensitive tissue changes focussed light energy into
a stream of complex electrical signals. These signals are
passed, via the optic nerve, to the sight centre of the brain.
The brain then interprets these signals into a rich visual
picture - what we call normal sight.

B. Auric sight:

The brow centre receives a more subtle type of energy than
light. This type of energy can only be received by the brow
centre (often called the third eye or brow chakra) when it is
active and tuned in to receive that type of energy. The brow
centre is situated directly between the eyes and is intimately
connected with normal optical sight.

Energy received by the brow centre is passed along to the
sight centre of the brain - the same as with normal sight.
The brain interprets anything it receives in it's sight centre
as a visual picture. It interprets auric energy as a sight
picture - as coloured bands of light surrounding the subject.

* The eyes are the organs for normal optical sight (a
physical organ).

* The brow centre is the organ for non-physical sight (a non-
physical organ).

Both these organs, above, are situated in the same general
area, i.e., the brow centre is situated in the brow, directly
between the eyes. The common location and similar function of
both organs (sight) suggests there is a close relationship
between them, i.e., the eyes, the brow centre and the sight
centre of the brain are linked. My research confirms this:
that all forms of non-physical sight are closely linked with
the process of normal optical sight.

Although there is a relationship between optical sight and the
brow centre - an aura is definitely _not_ any type of light.
Some people believe auras are still light, but light at a much
higher frequency than normal light - that is only visible to a
clairvoyant. If this were true, though, it would be possible
to detect and measure this light with the sophisticated
electronic instruments available today. There are scientific
instruments, electronic cameras etc, that can be tuned to
detect _any_ part of the light spectrum - no matter how
refined. For example: infra red, ultra violet, x rays, gamma
rays, etc, all these can be detected - but auras cannot.
Therefore, it is logical to suppose that auras are _not_
composed of any type of light.

3. Aura Cameras:

But there are aura cameras - you might say - that can take
pictures of the human aura? You might even have a picture of
your own aura, taken at a psychic fair. How can this be?

An aura camera does NOT take an actual picture of an aura.
It cannot actually see an aura. It merely creates the
illusion of an aura on film.

How an aura camera works:

A. Sensors are placed on the skin - or fitted into a
chair so they contact the subject's skin. These sensors
measure the electrical resistance in the skin (galvanic
skin response). Electrical resistance in the skin varies,
according to salt and moisture level. These levels are
affected by many things: diet, fluids, health,
temperature, sweating, emotion, mood, activity, etc.

B. These readings are fed directly into a small
electronic processor, attached to the camera (usually a
small black box) and interpreted by it. This processor
then generates a pattern of electrical signals, from these
readings, according to how it is programmed.

C. This pattern of signals is then fed into a specially
modified camera. Inside the camera, an optical colouring
device creates a variable pattern of coloured lights, and
beams this directly onto the film, as the picture is taken.
This gives the illusion of a colourful aura surrounding the
subject - according to the pattern generated by the initial

Because of the way these cameras are set up, you will rarely
get two pictures exactly the same. This is because of the
large number of coloured patterns possible, that can be
generated by slightly different sensor readings . It would
be rare to get two identical sets of sensor readings from one
person and, therefore, have two identical aura photographs
taken in the same day.

An aura photograph is the camera designer's idea of what your
aura _should_ look like - according to their research. This
research is based upon linking clairvoyant observations with
the galvanic skin response on test subjects. The designers
have attempted to give a specific colour value to different
patterns of galvanic skin responses.

An aura photograph, therefore, is an electronically created
illusion - not an actual photograph of an aura.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the article