Monday, October 01, 2007


10. Peripheral vision:

Auras are seen with peripheral vision (side vision) and cannot
be seen by directly focussing on them. To see an aura, you
have to look to the side and past your subject. Peripheral
vision is extremely sensitive to movement, much more so than
direct focussed vision. It can detect minute movements that
your central, focussed vision will not see. Peripheral vision
is also sensitive to many other types of subtle energy that
surround us.

Most people have had the experience of catching sight of some
movement - out of the corner of their eye - only to see
nothing when they turn and focus on it.

What happens is:

1. They have seen an aura building up from a coloured

2. They have seen a spirit entity (ghost) manifesting near
them, and have detected it's energy with their more sensitive,
peripheral vision.

11. Dr Kilner:

An English doctor, Dr Walter J. Kilner, in 1911, used colour
as an aid to stimulating auric sight.

Dr Kilner, researched the use of auric sight, as an aid to
diagnosing the health of his patients. He used dicyanin
screens for this. Dicyanin is a dye product of coal tar.
These screens consisted of two pieces of glass with dicyanin
dye sandwiched and sealed between them. He found that by
using these - aura goggles, as he called them - he could
stimulate the ability to see the human aura.

He would stare, for a few minutes, through these screens, at a
bright light. When he looked away, he could see an aura
surrounding his patient. He would then note any changes and
abnormalities in their aura, and compare them with other
observations, taken of healthy people. This allowed him to
detect disease, in the very early stages, before the actual
symptoms of that disease appeared.

Dr. Kilner used several different coloured screens, and
combinations of them. Different coloured screens showed him
different aspects, or layers, of an aura.

He also used strips of brightly illuminated, coloured cloth.
He would stare at one of these strips, after preparing his
eyes, by looking through one of his screens. These strips
caused a phantom strip, of a different colour, to appear in
his gaze. These were like small windows, that could be moved
around by shifting his gaze, highlighting different parts of
his subject's aura. This gave him a different view of their
aura, in that part.

How this works: By looking through these screens, at bright
light, Kilner flooded his eyes with the slow auric colour of
that screen (it's reverse colour). This made his eyes
hypersensitive to that particular auric colour, enabling him
to see that colour in his subject's aura. Different coloured
screens would allow him to see different colours in an aura.
The use of the strips of colour, then enabled him to see the
slow auric colour (reverse colour) of the coloured strip,
minus the original colour of the screen he was using - showing
a small band of an entirely different colour, in the aura.
This small band of colour could be moved around the patient's
aura, by shifting his gaze, like a small window, highlighting
the area it covered.

One interesting thing about Dr Kilner's work is this: After
using these screens for several months or more, he found he
needed to use them less and less. By continually straining to
see auras, with his aura goggles, he stimulated his brow
centre, and mastered the visual technique needed to see the
aura. He eventually gained _full_ auric sight, i.e., he no
longer needed the aura goggles to see auras.

If you would like to get a copy of Dr Kilner's book, you will
find it contains many fine colour plates (paintings) showing
the aura, as seen by himself and his associates. These show
the different effects that can be had using combinations of
different coloured screens and coloured strips.

Kilner's book is listed, in the book I read, as:
Kilner, Walter John. (1965). "The Human Aura."
(New Ed.). New York: University Books. I was
quoted $300.00 US, for the purchase of this book.

Note: I cannot comment on the effectiveness of using genuine
aura goggles, as I have never actually seen a pair. I did,
however, experiment with a pair I made myself, many years ago.
I used two pieces of glass, covered them with a deep blue dye,
and sealed the edges with windscreen sealant. I followed
Kilner's instructions, staring at a bright light through this
screen, etc.

I found this made my eyes _extremely_ sore, and so, after
awhile, discontinued using them. They did work, however, and
showed me some interesting auric effects. I considered it was
not a healthy practise, though, due to the painful burning it
caused in my eyes, and the possibility that it could damage
them. In his book, Kilner gives a warning about this nasty
side effect - burning, sore eyes.

12. The Human Aura:

The human aura is an energy field that surrounds the human
body, and reflects the subtle life energies at work within and
around it. This is something like the magnetic field that
surrounds a simple magnet. Like a magnetic field, the aura is
generated within physical matter - but is also affected by
it's surroundings. The energies flowing through the aura make
us what we are, and are in turn affected by our surrounding
life conditions and life style. The aura reflects the
activity of our organs, health, mental activity and emotional
state. It also shows disease - often long before the onset of
physical symptoms.

The strength and properties of an aura are determined by the
amount of, and the quality of, the energies flowing through

13. The Main Aura:

The main human aura is banded around the body - strata like.
Imagine a person with thick, coloured hoops of light dropped
over them, and you get the general idea. The main colours of
the aura emanate from the primary energy centres (major
chakras - or psychic centres). The individual bands of
colour are difficult to see, unless you have very well-
developed auric sight, and are observing under optimum

14. The Etheric Aura:

Close to the skin is the etheric aura. This is often called
"The vitality sheath".
It is seen (with auric sight) as a pale, narrow band, next
to the skin, outlining the body. This is usually no more than
half an inch wide - depending upon the vitality of the
subject. It looks like a dense layer of pale smoke, clinging
to the skin. This is the visible part of the energy body,
in it's contracted state.

During sleep, the etheric aura expands and opens (becoming
larger and finer) in order to absorb and store vitality
(cosmic energy?) within it. After sleep, the energy body
contracts and forms a dense sheath surrounding the body,
close to the skin. This holds within it the stored energies
we all need for living.

In a way, the energy body is like a living storage battery.
During sleep, it automatically sets itself on recharge,
replacing the energies that have been used up.

15. Energy Centres (chakras):

The primary energy centres (chakras) are the non-physical
organs of the energy body. There are at least seven primary
centres, and over three hundred secondary and minor centres,
scattered throughout the human body. All together, they form
a complex network of non-physical energy components. These are
all joined together by interconnecting pathways, or

These centres, and their interconnecting pathways (meridians)
were charted by the Chinese, and other Eastern races,
thousands of years ago. Modern versions of these charts are
still widely used today, in many types of alternative medicine
and body work, i.e., acupuncture and reflexology.

Primary energy centres are attached to major internal organs,
glands, nerve ganglia and the spinal cord. Secondary and
minor energy centres are attached to joints, glands and nerve
clusters, throughout the body.

There are active centres - transforming and manipulating
energy - feeding other energy centres and taking care of life
processes - both physical and non-physical. There are
storage centres, communication centres, and centres designed
to absorb energy from other energy sources around us.

Some energy sources: Food, water, oxygen, sunlight, planetary
energy, cosmic energy, love, sex, music. Some of these energy
sources are very subtle, but all are necessary for us to live
a balanced life.

Energy centres are invisible to the naked eye but can be felt,
quite strongly, when they are active (as a pulsing, thrumming
sensation). When energy is consciously drawn from one centre
to another, through the connecting meridians, this can be felt
as: A rushing water sensation, a spreading warmth, a tingling
feeling, or a combination of these. Energy centres (chakras)
can also be seen - with auric and clairvoyant sight - as
whirling vortexes of intensely coloured light).

Every energy centre has important individual functions, in the
energy body. It also works in conjunction with all the other
major and minor centres. Each centre is an individual, but
integral part of the energy body. They all work together, for
the good of the whole energy body; just as all the physical
organs, brain, heart, liver, kidneys, glands, etc, work
together for the good of the whole physical body.

The energy body is extremely complex. It is, in a way,
similar to an electronic device. Energy flows into the
electronic device, and on through connecting pathways
(meridians) that are etched into the circuit board. These
connecting pathways (meridians) carry energy on to all it's
electronic components, (chakras), diodes, resistors,
capacitors, etc. Energy is continually being changed,
enhanced and transformed, by these components; to serve a
multitude of different purposes, required by the device, as a
whole unit, to function properly.

A single energy centre, is very much like a single electronic
component. It takes in energy from the components around it,
and changes the value of it. It enhances this energy, in
various ways, transforming it into something different, that
is needed by the whole unit.

Each energy centre (chakra) takes in the different types of
energy it requires, from other energy centres in the energy
body, and generates a completely different type of energy -
with a different value and colour - according to what is

The strength of each primary energy centre, in any particular
person, depends upon that person's individual makeup; their
nature, health and life style, as well as their spiritual,
moral and psychic development. The energy generated by all
the chakras at once, is reflected into the aura, mixing
together and causing the dominant hue of the aura. This,
dominant hue, is the part of the aura most commonly seen with
auric sight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What do you think of aura goggles by Wendy Lambert? Phony?